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near Quarreux municipality of Aywaille (4920) 

Anker 1

From our pick-up point in Quarreux you have all kinds of possibilities to go on fantastic walks.

For example, there is the possibility to follow the very famous Ninglinspo route nearby or something less known, but also very beautiful, the route along the Chefna and the old mine d'Or (gold mine).

It is also possible to walk from the pick-up point to the Ambleve river, take a seat on a beautiful rock (Les Fonds de Quarreux) and enjoy the natural beauty and a delicious cheese fondue!


We have listed a few walks:

(Click on the walk for the description)


-Les Fonds de Quarreux +/- 2 km

-Valley of the Ningninspo +/- 6 - 14 km

-Valley of the Chefna +/- 13 km



The Ambleve

fund de Quarreux

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